In my life this week... Well, really the last 2 weeks since I slacked off last week. I have been looking through ideas for the Gr. 4 level. We don't really follow grades per year, but her level. Her level is anywhere from Gr. 1-6. But most of it is in the Gr. 3 area. I have pretty well everything we need for right now (other than Gr. 2 math and French), so now to discover the world of Gr. 4!
In our homeschool this week... We had an emergency human body study (see here). We also started Nature Studies (which Brianna loves), which prompted me to start my own linky for Nature studies (see here).
Places we're going and people we're seeing... Well, other than seeing drs, we were pretty well homebodies this week. Lee and Brianna did a bit of fun history though when they went skating today at one of the oldest rinks in town that's being closed. They did this big closing ceremony with the mayor and everything.
My favorite thing this week was... having multiple happy days. It's been so long since that's happened.
What's working/not working for us... educational DVDs from the library and going back to timing Brianna's work. She is looooving the "school movies" and I can barely keep up with taking them out/returning them. Timing her work has made life so much happier for both of us. It's like she *needs* the pressure of the timer. She's getting her work done with next to no problems and little dawdling.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have... I'd like to get more into following sets of books/series for subjects. This year was a LOT of a book from here, a workbook from there, this site, that page, just all scrambled up. While supplementing with a little of this or that is great, I think it'll be easier to keep track of it all if I cut down the 56,468 areas I'm getting work from.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
Practicing one of her favorite spelling games |
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