Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ebooks are awesome!

Being tax time, I threw some money at the credit card and bought some ebooks for school. And on the new computer they're awesome! So fast to load!

Pardon the crappy pics, but here's what I bought:

Fact-Opinion and Cause-Effect
Daily Handwriting (Brianna's made it through learning each letter so now we'll work on full words, then full sentences)
Main Ideas and Details (for making proper paragraphs. I got the Gr. 1-2 level cause the 3-4 level looked a little too wordy, now I'm thinking I should have gone with it)

Applying Problem-Solving Strategies
Science Investigations (it's pretty well a full Gr. 3 science curriculum which we don't really need, but it had so many cool looking things in it that our current science stuff doesn't have, I had to buy it)
Writing Skills and Grammar (basically some more practice type stuff)

1 comment:

  1. Its my view that if she didn't learn it from me she didn't learn it(ok in my case I know that sounds funny but...) so we are starting at the beginning. If it is something she knows/understands,great its a review and we get to the next level that much sooner. ( we are dealing with that in math. I an amazed at how much she has already learned from I guess preschool) .
    Also, where did you find all the great ebooks?
