Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Secular Site!

I have zero problem with the fact that I'm a minority being a secular homeschooler. However, it is nice to see some things made for secular HSers! I was directed to the site secularhomeschool.com and am very excited to check it out!

Also got some great FREE pdf files (I guess they're e-books or something) from currclick.com. They were having a big Cyber Monday sale. It was set pdfs that were free but I think I picked up 7 or 8 that will be useful for us.

And last but not least, a shot of the baby helping Brianna with her schoolwork :)


  1. Thanks so much for the shout-out, Sam!! We're thrilled you found us and visa versa!! :) I'll be contacting you about adding your blog to our resource page....

  2. Very new to homeschooling I see! Without religious convictions, I would be interested in your reasons for homeschooling, as it was our top reason. It is a lot of work, but worth every minute, enjoy! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. @Topsy, I'm very glad to have found you guys! Thanks for having such a great site. I look forward to becoming deeply ingrained in it :)

    @Samantha, my reasons deal a lot with schools in general. I don't like how they're run. My daughter was also having a lot of issues with distractions. She was pulling pretty good grades yet I was hearing all about how she spent her day off in la-la land or talking to her classmates. I know she's smart and enjoys learning so I knew she'd do better with less distractions and more 1 on 1 time.
