Sunday, November 14, 2010

Presents from the French Teacher

Finally got around to unpacking Brianna's backpack. Her teacher told me that she included a duotang of worksheets for the play they just started in French class. She also included a DVD of the actions. 

While unpacking her backpack I found in her agenda a sheet of paper with a whack of websites to use! Apparently she's being left in the "online class" where they can make comics with their classmates. There's also a whole bunch of sites that are reference sites for French and several French sites with games and such on them. 

It's so nice to have this bit of extra support from her French teacher! Also, the crossing guard, Yvonne, has told me to get ahold of her for French help too.

On a side note, I was able to get a ride to my first homeschool mom's meeting! The woman who's driving me still has her son in PS for this year, but she's looking to pull him for next year. Can't wait til Wednesday!

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