Tuesday, January 19, 2016

19 Days Late....

I don't typically "do" New Years Resolutions and maybe that's why this is 19 days "late". I really want to get back to my blog. I love writing, even if I sometimes stink at it. I really love reading my blog's history to see how much my kids and my life has grown. I need to get back to writing my blog.

I know, I know, I've said it before. I'm also a squirrel. My friend, Sabrina (who I've known over a year now, but no one would know, cause I suck at this blog thing lately), says I'm like a squirrel cause I flit around doing a zillion different things at once instead of focusing on one thing until its done. It's true. And maybe a kinda good thing since I have my house, my homeschooling, my business and more. I need to be able to take care of all of them. But I DO tend to leave a LOT of things unfinished to go on to the next great idea.

I found a great app, Keep, that's been really helping me. I have check lists for work, school, general to-dos, ect... While there's a zillion things on each list, I AM actually getting them checked off!

I WILL start writing my blog again. I'm sure I've lost the few followers I had by now, so for now, I'll just talk to myself. But hopefully, soon, people will start coming back to read about our little world

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