I apparently missed the first 3 weeks of this :( But I'll try to squeeze in as much as possible!
Week One: My curriculum is a jumble of a little of this and a little of that. If you'd like to see what we're floating through, click on the Current Curriculum button above.
Week Two: We don't have a special area for school work, so it's wherever the girls plop their butts. Lately it's been the staircase
Olivia, 2, tot school |
Brianna, 9, Grades 3-6 |
Tanya, 11 (next month), Grade 3-6 |
Week Four: Day In The Life:
We live a laid back, take-it-as-we-go kind of life. Generally we're up by 8am, school by 10am, nap for Olivia by 1pm, supper by 6:30pm, school for Olivia somewhere in there, bed for Olivia by 7:30pm, bed for Brianna by 9:30pm, bed for me by midnight. However, everyday, at least one of the above doesn't happen when it's supposed to. Here's today:
8:26am - woooo everyone slept in, but now I hear the maaaaaamaaaaaa song coming from Olivia.
8:29am - I kick Brianna from bed since her cousin will be here shortly
8:31am - ahhhhh coffeeeeeee
8:32am - crap... the computer crashed overnight. I hate trying to figure this crap out first thing in the morning.
8:46 am - Tanya (my niece) shows up and claims her brother ate ALL the food in her house so can she eat breakfast here LOL
8:50am - send Brianna to change. You'd think after running every morning for the last 2 months she'd know she can't run in a calf length dress....
9:05am - Fighting Olivia out of the bathroom so grandma can take a shower, settle her down with Toupie and Binou (instant silence btw!)
9 35am - Trudge up the stairs to get dressed fighting with Olivia as to why she doesn't need to watch cartoons in my room while the same channel is playing in the living room.
9:40am - Mom gets called into work early so we have to go do our running around NOW. Olivia acts like she's never been outside before so we take her with and set the girls up to clean the toy room.
10:20am - We're back, and surprise, surprise, the girls have been piddling around *sigh*
10:45pm - Girls are finally done, off to running. Today, they are each running around the block 4 times per run, roughly 1 kilometer. Tanya broke her speed record twice, great job!
11:30am - Getting the girls off to their schoolwork.
11:31am - And the fight over location of schoolwork commences....
11:36am - And they end up in their usual spots *sigh*
11:55am - break for lunch (yeah, already lol)
12:30pm - Olivia down for a nap, the girls back to work
12:55pm - Brianna's asking about dividing 9 by 6 saying it doesn't work. I explain to her that it does work, but there's a remainder. Then I explain what remainders are. She lists off a few answers that are incorrect so I tell her to bring her book to me. "But I'm not even working on math!" *sigh*
1:20pm - I do my Brain Age for the day... that crap's harder than it looks!
1:35pm - Brianna's finally done, just waiting on Tanya.
1:40pm - teaching Brianna that the fine art of changing the cat litter (a chore she's had for over a year), does NOT include sticking your hand in a bag and picking up poop like you would when walking a dog
1:42pm - explain to Brianna that cleaning the bathroom vanity (again, a chore she's had for over a year) must include removing all the toothbrushes, hair brushes, ect... BEFORE spraying cleaner.
1:50pm - Tanya's done, on to our ginormous spelling test (a list of yearly words generally taught at each grade level so I can get an idea of where they are), which strangely, both girls are excited for :S
3:45pm - 276 words later, we're done grade 2! The girls are crazy though and want to do grade 3 words on Monday lol
4:10pm - Set Brianna up with her laptop and Gr. 4 game. Time to take Tanya home and ship off some bows.
5:15pm - 5 mile line up at Tim Hortons....
6pm - Finally home. Grabbed some frozen chicken keivs for supper, something quick so the girls can run at a decent hour (I can't wait til their 5k is over and we can go back to running a few times a week instead of twice a day!)
6:10pm - Olivia's in the tub after eating microscopic amounts of supper for the 274th day in a row *sigh*
6:50pm - I finally get to sit down and eat!
6:55pm - Was shown a great *free* journalling pages blog (Grace is Overrarted)
7pm - Olivia's school time of the day. Over the summer we've been reviewing stuff we've already done... A through F, numbers 1 through 5, basic colors and shapes. Today we did A, circles and straight lines (pre-writing).
7:15pm - Running for the girls again. 4 times around the block, 3 sets each. Tanya broke her record for a 3rd time today! Brianna did much better tonight as well. Didn't break her record, but one of her runs was her fastest time in a couple weeks!
8pm - Rocking and bed for Olivia with required singing of the ABCs and Lullaby and Goodnight.
8:15pm - Sent Tanya home for the night. No running tomorrow since we'll be out of town visiting my grandparents.
8:20pm - Trying to convince Brianna to pick something a little more longer/challenging than a picture book for her nightly reading....
8:40pm - Crap, I forgot I'm supposed to make cookies for tomorrow! Guess I'll set up Brianna with her Brain Age and get to it!
9:10pm - Play a little facebook Keno while baking....
9:30pm - Kick Brianna off to bed, get more baking done!
9:35pm - Mmmmm.... first cookie of the batch.....
9:45pm - Finally done going through the amazing blog I posted about above, definitely following that one!
10:05pm - Cookies are done!! (On a normal weekday other than Friday, I'd be getting school stuff for the next day ready around now)
10:15pm - Organizing pics for this post
10:25pm - Since tomorrow's one of my twice a month must-wake-early days, I'm linking this up and headed to bed!