I started using a paper agenda for Brianna this summer. It's really benefited her. Olivia insisted on having a paper schedule too. There aren't agendas meant for lower elementary, so I just bought her a plain notebook and hand wrote her agenda.
We had a bit of a rough time with Olivia. A lot more writing work is expected of her this year and she is not a fan.
Brianna has started Time4Learning and she loves it! We are using it as her full math curriculum in place of Math Mammoth as she is struggling hard. I am hoping that something new will kick start her brain a bit. We're also using the English, Science and Social Studies parts of it, but more as a supplement to the stuff we already do.
Olivia started Brownies this week and absolutely loves it! She can't wait to get her uniform and go back every week.
Learning her Brownie Promise |
Joshua had a good week. I'll have a full Tot School blog post in a couple days, but it's safe to say he's enjoying himself!
Linking up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers and Hip Homeschool Moms
My kids really like theh weekly schedule and workboxes we use. Even my highschooler still uses it (when I threatened to stop making them she had a fit).